Scientific and cultural institutions worldwide have traditionally focused on knowledge creation and production. But what then? How do you engage the ‘general public’ with all your excellent knowledge? And how do you share that knowledge to create a scientifically literate society ready to tackle the world’s biggest challenges?
This presentation explores the evolution of approaches to engaging people with science and culture. Starting with a quick trip through the potted histories of cabinets of curiosities, World Fairs, museums, and finally landing on the Science Gallery approach, this talk illustrates some of the complexities at play when we invite people into our hallowed halls to see ‘the thing’ and illuminate how we can transform relations between science research and communication practice.
Science Gallery Melbourne (SGM) is opening in 2020 with the aim of blurring the boundaries between science, art, design, technology, maths and engineering. We’ve broken all the rules and instead embed our target audience, young people aged 15-25, into every aspect of our approach: idea generation, exhibition planning, work selection, promotion and in-gallery engagement.
What happens when you connect and involve young people in the creation of a new gallery? This presentation challenges the traditional narrative about who’s opinion matters, how to engage young people in important issues and what makes a transformational experience.
Join this talk to discover the transformations that take place with visitors, the young people involved, and the olde-timey-staff (anyone aged 25+). Learn how Science Gallery embed young people in every stage of the process and how to do it. Memberships will be available for the Science Gallery cult at this session – Join us!
Tilly Boleyn, Curator, Science Gallery Melbourne
When: Tuesday 18th February, 11:15am-12:15pm
Where: Room G02, Learning and Teaching Building, 19 Ancora Imparo Way, Clayton
Hashtag: TBC