Post Doctoral Research Fellow in Biosecurity, Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation, Charles Sturt University and NSW Department of Primary Industry

Dr Jennifer Manyweathers is working on the application of Agricultural Innovation Systems as a framework to improve surveillance for emergency animal diseases by Australian livestock producers.
Jennifer’s PhD examined risk perception of veterinarians and horse owners around Hendra virus and the vaccine for horses. She has designed a risk communication workshop to assist veterinarians and biosecurity researchers to undersatnd the importance of social and cultural drivers in decisions made by animal owners and livetstocl producers around animal disease risks.
She has worked extensively as a veterinarian in rural practice in Australia and has undertaken training and lecturing in science communication. Her interests focus on communication around scientific uncertainty in emerging disease outbreaks and the role that social and cultural insight plays in risk analysis of emergency animal and zoonotic disease outbreaks.
Participatory science communication for creating needed social change